Tag Archives: Inquisition

Two Stories, Two Brave Men

I am sorry to have been away from the keyboard for so long, but I have been reading many classic and modern voices of the Church, and it has dawned me that I have nothing new or original to contribute.

The wealth of wisdom that the Church has lavished on humanity is staggering. We would all be much wiser and happier if we took the time to learn from the great teachers.

So, as I continue to study, and to put this Holy Wisdom into practice, learning to love God and my neighbors more deeply and effectively, I realized that the best thing I can do with my little blog is to direct readers to the best writing that is out there.

I start today with CRISIS Magazine, a source of incisive (but respectful and loving criticism) of the problems now facing our Church. Two excellent essays about two brave men are up on their homepage today.

The first is “Brendan Had Three Babies“. Austin Ruse is a strong, often truculent, even trident voice of the Catholic Pro-Life movement; but today he writes in a softer tone. Brendan was a Downs Syndrome child (with leukemia) who managed to deeply affect those around him in need. His “three babies” are other children who fought similar health problems, and for whom Brendan offered up his suffering to God.

After I read it, I could well understand why the author is joining others in promoting a canonization for Brendan.

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